Dried citrus slices
5 minutes
Preparation time
8 hours
Cooking time


Oranges, limes, lemons, finger limes or mandarins, cut into 3mm slices


  1. Line a perforated baking tray with baking paper. Lay the citrus slices on the tray.
  2. Place into the gourmet warming drawer on Food setting 2 for 8 hours.
  3. Store the slices in sterlised jars for up to 2 months.

Alternative appliance methods


  • Place in the oven on Fan Plus at 70⁰C with the Crisp function activated.

Combi steam oven

  • Place in the oven and select Combi mode: Fan Plus at 70°C + 0% moisture.

Hints and tips

  • Dry at a lower temperature for longer to retain more colour.
  • Dip the citrus in a light sugar syrup for extra sheen.
  • Serve these slices in cocktails and non-alcoholic drinks
  • Sterilise the jars using the ‘disinfect items’ function on Miele steam ovens. Alternatively steam the bottles upside down for 10 minutes at 100⁰C.
  • Apples and pear slices can be dried in the same manner.

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  • Free Discovery Product Demonstrations

    Miele Experience

    Thursday 08th September 2016

    At 10:30 am - 12:00 pm



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